
Sponsors and Partners

We are so grateful for the support of our funding partners, who are committed to helping us meet our mission to drive Africa’s realization of its full potential by inspiring, empowering and equipping a new cadre of young leaders through our various products and services.

Become A Corporate Sponsor!

Metamorph Youth Leadership Institute invites you to become a Corporate Champion! Our Corporate Champions Sponsorships Program is designed for corporations and local businesses who believe that good corporate citizenship involves supporting worthwhile endeavors like ours that are impacting the community. Your collaboration is valued and important as it helps us strengthen the capacity of services that we are able to offer to the young people, helping to move them to economic self-sufficiency and giving them a foundation to help lead others the same.

So, would you consider partnering with us and unleashing your organization’s capacity to create meaningful change? Corporate sponsors make it possible to maximize our efforts, through monetary donations and socioeconomic investments. We have taken thought to offer various levels of sponsorship with hopes that one of them may fit your desired level of affiliation and participation with our organization. Below you can download our full sponsorship package, where you will find a table of sponsor benefits, terms, as well as our Sponsorship Pledge, should you be interested in moving forward. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us using the contact information provided on the cover page of the sponsorship package and we would be happy to assist you. Thanks in advance for your consideration and championship of our mission!

Become A Corporate Sponsor Today

Partner With Us!

MYLI is your ideal partner to achieve widespread impact on the youths in Africa. We pool the strengths of different stakeholders using our innovative collaboration models. We create win-win partnerships that respond effectively to social and economical challenges that affect the youths.

MYLI gives you access as a partner to our network of supporters, volunteers, resources, expertise, and other partners. By partnering with us, you will have the opportunity to engage in meaningful and impactful work that aligns with your organization’s mission and values.

Partner With Us Today


Thank you for considering partnering with us at MYLI. At MYLI, we believe that partnerships are essential to achieving our mission and creating lasting change in society. Here’s why we believe partnering with us would be beneficial for your organization:

Shared Values: We share a commitment to empowering the youth, and we believe that together, we can make a greater impact and make society a better place. By partnering with us, we can leverage each other’s strengths to achieve our shared objectives.

Collaborative Approach: We believe in working collaboratively with our partners to achieve our goals effectively. We value open communication and transparency, and we are committed to building long-term relationships with our partners.

Meaningful: We believe that partnerships should be mutually beneficial and fulfilling. By partnering with MYLI, you will have the opportunity to engage in meaningful and impactful work that aligns with organization’s mission and values. We understand that every partnership is unique, and we’re committed to working with you to develop a partnership that meets your needs and supports your goals.